Heater Maintenance, Furnace Service, Furnace Maintenance & Heating Service Pittsburgh, PA, Wexford, PA, Cranberry Township, PA & Sewickley, PA

Heating Service

FurnaceLiving in the Pittsburgh area, you demand a lot from your heating equipment. You expect uninterrupted warmth with minimal energy usage, quiet operation and healthy Indoor Air Quality. You certainly don’t want unexpected, inconvenient repairs. That’s a lot to demand, but with annual maintenance performed by the trained heating technicians from J.A. Sauer Co., it’s not only possible but also probable.

Pittsburgh Residents: Schedule Annual Heating Service

For your furnace to continue smooth, safe and efficient operation, annual service is critical. Give us a call at (412) 499-3770 and find out how easy it is! Our courteous and knowledgeable staff will work within your schedule constraints to set up a service plan that is both convenient and affordable.

Maybe you haven’t noticed because the change is gradual, but like any piece of equipment that carries a heavy workload, your furnace suffers without regular tune-ups. Noisier operation, decreased comfort levels, and airborne dust are just a few of the symptoms. Eventually, you’ll face rising utility bills, heating repair costs, degraded Indoor Air Quality and unstable humidity levels. Your heating equipment may even pose a safety hazard.

Carrier Authorized Heating Products & Service

Carrier Factory Authorized DealerAs a Carrier Factory Authorized dealer, the specialists from J.A. Sauer Co. have met the most stringent requirements for industry training, product comprehension, customer satisfaction and competent workmanship. Once our servicemen have performed a complete inspection of your heating system, repaired or replaced worn or broken parts, cleaned and calibrated, you can rest assured your furnace is operating safely and at peak capability.

Contact J.A. Sauer Co. in Pittsburgh for Furnace Maintenance!

Not only will J.A. Sauer Co. be glad to schedule seasonal service, our Internal Support Team will alert you when it’s time for next year’s maintenance. We take care of the worry so you can relax in a warm, toasty home every winter.

Heating Maintenance & Furnace Service in Pittsburgh, PA